VoiceMap: Being a Woman in Cape Town

by | Jan 26, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Cape Town is also known as the Mother City, and this half-hour VoiceMap audio-walk will show you the city from a woman’s perspective!

Your guide is Nancy Richards, the founder of Woman Zone: an organisation bringing women of all cultures together. From the slaves and prostitutes of the past to the artists, poets and politicians, fashion fundis and businesswomen of today – it tells the story of how they’ve shaped the city.

For information and to download the app, please visit Voicemap


Major Landmarks:
District Six Museum, Slave Lodge, Church Street, Greenmarket Square
Starting point: 38 Canterbury Street.                                                                                                                                                                          Directions to starting point Look for the sugar pink building and you’ll find Charly’s Bakery. It has a parking lot but you can also usually find spots on the street. The MyCiti line 103 bus runs along Buitenkant, just two blocks down from Canterbury, and the MyCity line 102 bus runs along Darling Road with a stop by the Castle.
Places to stop along the way:
Bread, Milk & Honey, District Six Museum, Company’s Garden, the galleries in Church Street, Pan African Market, Green Market Square
Best time to walk:
Morning and afternoon are the best times for this route as you’ll be able to see all the destinations. These are also the safest times to be walking the city. The weekdays are also better than weekends as the streets are more lively and bustling.
Keep your belongings close to you and be mindful of the proximity of people getting too close to you. You’ll be listening to the walk so therefore keep your other senses perked up. But there should be no issue if doing this route in the morning or afternoon.

womanzonelogoWoman Zone is designed to bring together all women from Cape Town’s cultural kaleidoscope. To get to know one another better, to share stories and experiences, work together, learn from each other – and above all to highlight and promote their past, present and future achievements, not their victimhood. See a selection of locations in and around Cape Town that you might want to visit.

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