Curator of the William Fehr Collection, Esther Esmyol, will be doing a FREE walkabout of the Collection as part of the ‘Celebrate creative women’ theme of Kuier@TheCastle on Saturday 31 August at the Castle of Good Hope.
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Esther explains that the collection has been a feature at the Castle for a long time, and it is only recently that the works have been reconfigured to create a better flow. The walk through will provide the stories about how the collection ended up at the Castle in the 1950’s, its significance, value and how it has been used for research purposes. As the walkabout is taking place on the last day of Women’s Month she will focus on lesser known paintings of women. The collection has works by well know artists such as Bowler, Baines and Irons. Worth noting are the works of Lady Anne Barnard who with her husband, Andrew Barnard, Colonial Secretary to the first British Governor, lived at the Castle for 4 years from 1800. Her portrait is above and there are several works by Lady Anne on display.
William Fehr was a business man and collector. He was born in the Eastern Cape, left with his family for Europe and came back to Cape Town after World War 1. In the 1920’s he started seriously collecting historical paintings of Cape Town. There are a couple of thousand pieces that cover paintings plus decorative arts – ceramic, glass and metalware works. The selection of works are displayed in this wonderful setting.
- Meet Esther Esmyol on the steps and balcony to the right of the central Kat Balcony. The Walkabout will start at 12 noon, so please arrive from 11:45. See photo – the steps are behind the tree in the middle.
And enjoy the wonderful ambience and bustle of Kuier@theCastle.
WHAT: Walkabout by Esther Esmyol – William Fehr Collection at Castle of Good Hope
WHERE: Kuier@TheCastle, Castle of Good Hope, Darling St, Cape Town 8001 | Secure free parking is available within the Castle premises via the Darling Street entrance.
WHEN: 31 August 09:00 – 16:00 | Walkabout with Curator Esther Esmyol 12 noon
INFO: VISIT | see also Cape Town Green Map | Iziko William Fehr Collection and the Cape Heritage Museum both feature on the Art Craft + Museums Map.
The market is made possible thanks to the financial contributions and support of the City of Cape Town and the National Department of Small Business Development
William Fehr Collection [Iziko Museum Route G]
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