Design Infestation recently had the honour of designing large sections of the Domestic and International Arrivals walkways at Cape Town International with World Design Capital (WDC2014) branding. It’s become apparent that not many Capetonians know what WDC2014 is about and why Cape Town has been awarded this designation. This is one of the first activations (sponsored by the City of Cape Town) that has brought the reality of World Design Capital to our citizens. The artwork highlights a few key projects that showcase how design can transform people’s lives.
“Last week Friday we were treated by City Officials to a VIP tour of the airport so we could see the artwork up close and personal” reports Infstation. “It was an afternoon filled with adventure that started with a trip on the MyCiTi bus from the Civic Centre to the airport. After a very smooth ride on the road, we found ourselves weaving our way past floods of oncoming passengers eager to see their families as we walked into the domestic arrivals hall. After some rather funny security checks (with most of us setting off the metal detectors), we were escorted past some rather alluring Duty-Free shops and into the International arrivals area”.
“It was a great feeling to see the result of many long (and late) hours in prime position for the world to see,” commented Christo Maritz, CEO of Design Infestation.
To the rest of the world, we are ready to welcome you to the World Design Capital of 2014 – CAPE TOWN!