Woman Zone and Diane Jutzen of Seed & Salt talk Food

by | Apr 30, 2019 | News | 0 comments

Woman Zone invites you to hear what Diane Jutzen of Seed & Salt has to say… On May 4, Woman Zone Story Café goes to Athlone to hear Diane Jutzen, owner of Seed & Salt, talk about food relationships.

‘If you want to change the way you eat, you have to ask yourself a lot of questions.’ says Diane. ‘Like who owns your body, you or the junk food you put into it? And, do you know what’s in what you are eating?’

Diane is the owner of Seed & Salt, a busy social and community eatery where the family, friends and neighbours all get involved, Diane believes in the value of locally sourced, fresh, additive and preservative free food.

Come listen and taste for yourself…

A healthy breakfast will be served, vegetarian option available, please indicate when booking.
Optional – bring along an empty packet or label of your favourite food and Diane will analyse.

Don’t miss this event.

WHEN: May 4 2019  Time: 10am – 12pm
WHERE: Seed & Salt, 1 Linaria Crescent, Silvertown, Athlone, Cape Town 7760
(link to google map)

Carpooling from Woman Zone Artscape an option on request

BOOK: Book by May 1 to secure your place.  Cost: R45 – cash only
Pre-booking before May 1 essential as places are limited.
hipzone@mweb.co.za or info@womanzonect.co.za 083 431 9986
If you are unable to come at the last minute please let us know.

Pre-payment can also be made to:
WOMAN ZONE Standard Bank
Acct: 073602442
Branch code: 025009
Please use name and S&S for reference

See also Cape Town Green Map

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