Zeitz MOCAA – #MuseumFromHome

by | Apr 7, 2020 | Arts & Culture, Entertainment, News | 0 comments

#MuseumFromHome allows you to experience Zeitz MOCAA exhibitions from the comfort of your couch through 3D tours on their website.

“The world is rapidly shifting, literally overnight in front of our eyes,” observes Koyo Kouoh, Executive Director and Chief Curator at Zeitz MOCAA. “What incredible times to be witness to! The challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic could not have been imagined even just two months ago. What does this mean for a nascent art institution such as Zeitz MOCAA?”

Here are a couple of #MuseumFromHome Suggestions

#MuseumFromHome, Richard Madariki, Zeitz MOCAA

Richard Mudariki, Patriotic Stereo Tape, 2018, Acrylic on canvas, accompanied by sensor and sound,150x300cm. Photo: Johann Laurens. © ZEITZ MOCAA

Click on these 3 exhibitions to find out what they are about and then click onto the link provided to explore the exhibitions in 3D .

Zeitz MOCAA have also updated their YouTube channel where you can now see all the talks at the symposium related to William Kentridge’s exhibition Why Should I Hesitate: Putting Drawings To Work – the largest ever survey exhibition by the internationally acclaimed artist opened in Cape Town in August 2019.

To listen in to interviews with artists, and more – click HERE 

WHAT: Zeitz MOCAA #MuseumFromHome
WHERE: in the comfort of your own home
WHEN: whenever it suits you

Koyo Kouoh, Executive Director and Chief Curator at Zeitz MOCAA:

Koyo Kouoh, , #MuseumFromHome

Koyo Kouoh, Executive Director and Chief Curator

“Museums across the globe are responding to the current challenge mainly by enlarging their virtual doors while their physical ones remain closed. The digital revolution is certainly the most recent global shift of our human existence; however, as we see how isolation (for those who can afford the luxury) impacts our sense of connectedness, I strongly believe that there is nothing that beats standing in front of an artwork and fully experiencing its expression and energy as a reminder that we are indeed human and depend on our senses to navigate the complexities of our existence.

I personally draw a lot of strength and comfort from philosophy and spirituality. I am therefore convinced that while we might face incredible challenges today, crisis is the ideal ground for reinvention. Another world is always possible.

À lutta!”

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