Don’t Miss This: May 15 – 21

by | May 15, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Here’s the Mail & Guardian  round-up of not-to-be missed hot-ticket events in Cape Town.

♦   The Theatre Dance Association is performing the Dancer for Dancers to raise funds for the Cape Town City Ballet Company.

WHEN 18:00 on May 16. WHERE Artscape Theatre Centre, Cape Town 8001. COST R150 Tickets available at Computicket.

♦   The stage production of A Class of One pays tribute to slain activist Dulcie September and writer Richard Rive. It features actors Basil Appollis and Denise Newman. September and Rive were also teachers from the Cape Flats “whose personality and stature made an impact” on the world. The production features two one-man shows: Cold Case: Revisiting Dulcie September and My Word – Redesigning Buckingham Palace! The two shows are written by Appollis and Sylvia Vollenhoven.

Denise Newman as Dulcie September

Denise Newman as Dulcie September

WHEN Until May 30. WHERE Baxter Theatre, Main Road, Rondebosch, Cape town 7700. COST R100. BOOKINGS Call 0861 915 8000. INFO Visit

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