The Irritable Working Woman’s Cookbook was written when the author, Shea Albert, found herself turning away from introspection to a new occupation. She says: “This book saved my life. Writing it made me laugh instead of lapsing into rage or self-pity or a diet exclusively of chocolate. At the time, I had been unceremoniously shoved into consultancy (a euphemism for unemployed). Because I am by nature irreverent (with a dismaying tendency to finish my bosses’ sentences), I fell back on what has sustained me through the darkest times – humour and food.”
She started writing about her incredibly resourceful and hilarious family, and added the recipes that made her reputation, regardless of her employment status. The journey turned into a gastronomic autobiography, paying tribute to her homesick Scottish granny, her courageous Lithuanian grandmother and the sublime culinary creativity of her daughter. The book takes an irreverent look at the powers governing the lives of women with jobs, and offers recipes that are guaranteed to take their minds off their working woes, at the very least.
The book includes mouthwatering Jewish delicacies, fast and furious cooking that is not mood-dependent, diet defying dishes and a few morsels for abstainers
Says Shea “this book is for anyone who has ever worked and shopped and cooked and cleaned up afterwards. Most of the recipes are easy, many are truly delicious, and all will make you feel better than you did before you started.”
The Irritable Working Woman’s Cookbook will be launched on Thursday, 12 December 2013 at Wordsworth bookstore, Piazza St John, Main Road, Sea Point 8005
For further information contact Wordsworth on 021-434 9131