The Year of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe was launched at Robben Island, on Wednesday 3 May 2023. On this day, 60 years ago, Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe was banished to Robben Island as a “political prisoner” of a special type.
In commemorating 45 years since the untimely death of Robert Sobukwe, the Council of the Robben Island Museum (RIM) declared 2023 as The Year of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe.
The launch took place at the house in which Sobukwe was confined at Robben Island for six years.
As part of the agenda, RIM Council Chairperson, Professor Saths Cooper, announced the new intergenerational and other offerings to attract especially young people to visit the island and improve Robben Island’s immense historic heritage tourism, globally.
“While the PAC is very happy about the launch of the Year of Robert Sobukwe and we are here today to make sure his legacy is preserved, we are also fiercely guarding against any move to separate Sobukwe from the PAC. There is no Sobukwe without the PAC!” These were the words of Pan African Congress (PAC) President, Mzwanele Nyhontso speaking outside the Sobukwe House on Robben Island.
Robert Sobukwe truly led from the front and was as best known for his motto of “serve, suffer and sacrifice”, with an approach of “no bail, no plea and no defence” he led from the front.
Mr Joseph Nong “Bra Joe” Thloloe delivered the keynote address during which he reflected on a lifetime of knowing Sobukwe referring to him as “the greatest man I know”.
Nomfundo Sobukwe, (photo above) who spoke on behalf of the Sobukwe Family, was deeply humbled by the honour bestowed on her grandfather and the extended Sobukwe family and in remembering Sobukwe, she reflected on how he always knew “we were meant for better things than struggling and suffering.” To this end, an exhibition is being planned, of the books which Robert Sobukwe read, that ultimately shaped his political ideology.
As part of the repositioning of RIM and in the context of its economic recovery plan, RIM will be introducing new intergenerational and other offerings to attract especially young people to visit the island and improve Robben Island’s immense historic heritage tourism, globally.
WHAT: The Year of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe
WHERE: Robben Island – departure point: Nelson Mandela Gateway, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town 8001
WHEN: May 2023 to May 2024
INFO: Visit | Tour Schedule
Robben Island – Nelson Mandela Gateway [01]
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