Celebrate World Rhino Day on Sunday 22 Sept with a Rhino Trail Hike starting at the V&A Waterfront and ending at the top of Devils Peak.
- Meet at the SELFIE CAPITAL OF SOUTH AFRICA – the famous V&A Waterfront.
- Gather at the Penguin Rhino outside The Aquarium – at 7 am.
- Then hike to each of the eight Rhinos exhibited around the V&A complex.
- Take SELFIES at each of eight Rhinos.
- Then onward to Devils Peak.

Great Rhino Trail Hike Prizes
Two Night Stay for Two at Radisson Blu Five Star Hotel
R1000 Gift Voucher for The Crazy Store.
Winners will be announced at GOODNIGHT FRIDAY, an event on 27th SEPTEMBER at NOBEL SQUARE
The WHOLE HERD will be gathered together in a semi-circle to greet the guests with lots of fun to be had by all.
The Rhinos Are Coming – TRAC is an initiative created to help fight the war on Rhino Poaching. Extinction of our beloved African Rhinoceros is close at hand unless we can all collaborate to stop the killings. Corporate Sponsors and Private Individuals join together with The Rhinos Are Coming!!! – The V&A Waterfront and talented Artists and Designers to create stunning life size painted Rhino Sculpture which are exhibited all around the V&A complex.
WHAT: Rhino Trail Hike
WHERE: Penguin Rhino outside The Two Oceans Aquarium, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town 8001 – at 7 am
The Rhinos Are Coming – TRAC!!!
TRAC!!! offers companies and individuals an opportunity to collaborate sponsor a Rhino to expand the crash (herd) and to associate their companies with supporting wildlife conservation and in particular saving the endangered Southern African rhinoceros, a cause close to the hearts of all South Africans.
Prestigious plaques are attached to the plinths featuring the sponsor’s name and brand, the artists name, and the story about how Southern Africa’s rhinos are being driven to extinction by poachers who kill them for their horns because organized crime in Asia spreads lies that rhino horn cures a multitude of human illnesses. Three per day are currently being cruelly butchered.
On receipt of the sponsorship funds a portion is distributed to NGO’s dedicated to fighting rhino poaching. Spreading awareness and raising funds are the primary objectives.
When enough Rhinos have been sponsored and exhibited, a Gala Auction will be held at an exciting location, collectors and corporate leaders will be invited to participate, and the funds raised will go towards the cause of saving our rhinos.
TRAC!!! welcomes sponsors from companies and individuals from both inside and outside the borders of South Africa. Several Rhinos are already sponsored by foreign organizations. An added attraction for foreign sponsors is the low exchange rate. Sponsoring a Rhino in hard currency enables European and USA sponsors to own a stunning piece of art at a bargain price and to participate in helping to save the rhinos.
INFO: Contact TRAC!!! founder Janice Ashby ja@therhinosarecoming.
See also Cape Town Green Map